
The Starlight Blogger Award

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.
This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

Wow! I got “The Starlight Award.” I don’t know much about it but one thing I know that, I AM VERY HAPPY 😀 Thank you so much Himali for this lovely award. ❤ I’m so touched and happy. Please check out her amazing blog here. She’s a fab writer 🙂 Yes! visit her blog, and you’ll surely thank me! 😉

The Rule:-

#Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.

#Answer the questions set to you and then you may create your set of questions for your nominees.

#Nominate other bloggers.

Himali’s Questions:- (I promise dear, I’ll do my best to answer them)

1. If you could meet anyone from throughout history. Who and why?
Ans- This is a tough one to answer as there are so many people who’ve influenced society in one way or another. Okay, I think I would love to meet the inventor of the WORLD WIDE WEB- Tim BernersLee & Bill Gates founder of Microsoft! 🙂 Well, they both has changed our lives so much. And ofcourse, my all time favorite author William Shakespeare, because I don’t know why but I love him and his works! And yes! Mother Teresa, She was truly an Angel. I respect her a lot, she inspired me so much. ❤

2. What is your favorite book and why?
Ans- Seriously! This is close to impossible for a booklover to answer. But anyways, of all the books I’ve read so far “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne is my all time favorite! 🙂 This book has changed me and my life (in a good way, I guess!) it changed everything in my life, the book has greatly influenced my way of looking at the things in a very positive way. It enabled me to attract good and positive things into my life and find great people to spend my life with. It is a beautiful book and my favorite too! ❤

3. Who is your favorite fiction character from any medium and why?
Ans- From any medium???? Uhmmm…RAJ & SIMRAN from DDLJ 😛 hahaha….No sorry! Just kidding! 😀 …Well honestly, there is NO ONE! 🙂

4. What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received?
Ans- Oooppss!! *Tough* I don’t know if it’s a compliment but when I was in school a random girl once said “You’re different, I love your heart.” And I was like *Shocked with Smile* “Okay! Thank you.” But really that made my day! 🙂

5. Who made you discover the starlight within you?
Ans- My Family! And haters too 😛 lol …And besides my family, my starlight in my life has been always “My Heart” I did follow my heart in any situation. Because I know it’s on left but…’s always right! 🙂

6. What would you say is your starlight gift for others?
Ans- I really don’t know, but I think “My Life Experiences and My Smile”. Life experiences because, I want to show others that life is good, I know sometimes its horrible. But comeone people! We’re all same! We all feel love, pain, troubles in life but still we live, love, laugh because life is really nice. So feel it, love it! 🙂 ….and My smile because through my smile I want to say that “Don’t be sad, Don’t cry, Everything will be fine. Just Smile! And always keep smiling, coz one day life will get tired of upsetting you!” 😉

7. What is your biggest dream?
Ans- To fulfill my and my family’s dreams 🙂 ….And, To be remembered when I die!! Sound silly??? I know! but it just seems nice knowing you won’t be forgotten. ❤

So I’m done! It was reallyyyyy fun!!! 😉 Thank you so much Himali for the beautiful questions. I enjoyed a lot 🙂

Now… My Nominees:-


4 Year Old Adult







My Questions for the Nominees:-

1. What would you say is your starlight gift for others?
2. What do you like to do to bring yourself out of a bad mood?
3. What was the first book you’ve ever read?
4. Who is your hero/idol?
5. What type of music do you enjoy?
6. What is your favorite book and why?
7. Do you have a favorite poem? If yes, who wrote it and why do you like it?
8. What is one healthy habit you wish you could develop?

Congratulations !!!!! 🙂

And, Thank you once again Himali 🙂 ❤