Random Thoughts

Is self love important? Yes! it is….

You know you have come so far when you look back and smile about what you have achieved. But at the same times, tears are there for what you have lost during the process. That’s life for you, you are happy, sad and what not but accomplishment is that you live it without any hesitation. 🙂

Fall in love, irrespective of the fact that whether the other person would feel the same or not. I always write about love (even though my own love life is non – existing 😛 ), because it is the very basic need (ofcourse, after Roti, Kapda and Makaan 😀 ) we human have.

People fall in love, then come out of it and fall again. Love doesn’t have to be permanent, you can fall out of it but what’s important is what you feel is true. We love different people in different ways, we all do right? Fall in that Ishq Wala Love too, people often fall in love but have no guts to tell their partners the same. But for me, what’s important is that along with loving your partner you should love yourself too. Everyone of you is going to fall for someone someday, and for that day please remember that the one you fall for can love you back or they may not, what you need to know is that you’re important too. I often noticed that, people becomes so choosy in a relationship, which leads them to break their relationship, people lose respect for each other, becomes irritated…if you too face or faced the same problem, I’m telling you don’t worry if you happen to let go of someone, let them go forever. Always remember that self love is very important, if he/she doesn’t respect you, he/she doesn’t deserve you. You should first love yourself.

Loving yourself is far more important than any other thing, no I’m not talking about the Self Obsession, but at least letting yourself being the priority once in a while. That’s more important than anything 🙂 We should fall in love with ourselves before falling in love with others….nobody can give you more love than yourself but yeah this is also true that sometimes people can love you more than what you do, but remember only SOME TIMES not EVERY TIME 😉

So have a great time friends 🙂
fall in love, spread love but first Love Yourself! ❤


Random Thoughts

That Special Friend….



Sometimes…. you have a fight with your best friend for no specific reason but an accumulation of a lot of reasons and you stay without talking to each other for days at a stretch. Best friends sometimes fight for very silly reasons or maybe sometimes a misunderstanding or the other crops up and they decide to part ways.

Sometimes they just need a break….And then this fight goes on…its not even a fight actually. Sometimes the distance is needed to let them know how much they love each other. 🙂

They stay without talking to each other for days, weeks, months or even years but one fine day…if both of them still yearn for that friendship, they get over the silent phase and decide to sort out everything. They bring down their fake egoistic walls and finally go with their heart. They retrieve the penultimate feeling they once had and finally make a pact that no matter what, they won’t stay apart.

But sometimes, none of them takes a step and they walk with a burden on their hearts for all their lives. They relish their memories for their whole freaking life but they don’t take a step and unburden themselves.

If anyone of you has any incomplete friendship like this, then please go out there and complete it. Go, unburden yourself!!!! 🙂


Words from the Heart


I don’t know why but today I am feeling good and happy. There was a time in my life when I thought I could never be happy again, when I thought that I would never be able to overcome that trauma, when I thought my life is simply useless. I still remember those sleepless nights and that hopeless situation. I thought why always bad things happen to me? What did I do? I was filled with sadness. Darkness conquered my life totally. I was totally helpless when suddenly in between something happened…..Something good!

Something which just changed my life and my outlook altogether. Yes, they said “Time heals everything” and time actually started healing my wounds. I don’t know why I started getting back on track and this time, even stronger. I don’t know if this was because of time or because I got used to my awful situation, but whatever it was, I was happy now because I was overcoming day by day.

Days passed by, now I saw myself and smiled. I thought of my past and smiled again, not because I moved on successfully but because I learnt a lesson, a lesson for a lifetime that…“In life, we may get a box full of DARKNESS quite often but we must realize that someday or another, it will too, prove to be a GIFT”

Often in life we just expect things to be as we want. If we get it the way we want it to be, we are all sort but if we don’t then we get disappointed, sadness curbs us and we fill ourselves with darkness. We must realize that whatever happens in life, if good, then we must be glad, if bad, then we must learn from it and take it as experience in this unexpected journey called “LIFE” because this is what life is actually all about. 🙂

Today, I am happy and filled with “HOPE” that somewhere down the lane I will get what I want, will be happy and satisfied always. I wish this “HOPE” stays with me forever and ever! ❤



Words from the Heart

I just realized!

And yes that was the tragedy of my life. I couldn’t make everyone else feel as deeply as I did always. I could not easily convey what I felt, maybe because I was too complex in my own self. My heart was a deep well of unexplored emotions and to keep it short, what was tragic was that I could understand everyone…but no one really could understand me. But anyways sometimes I think, there is no use of making everyone understand your emotions or feelings. All this cruel world knows is to judge people without even knowing the emotions they hold at the time of sharing those feeling in front of you. So its better keep it short and simple only because only few deserves your true emotions to be shared with them not everyone……A big rude truth about this cruel world!

Words from the Heart

TRUST….The bitter truth of life!


TRUST is one of the most biggest things in the world…. isn’t it? and one of the worst things when someone breaks your trust… I personally think the biggest mistake people make in life is breaking someone’s trust because when someone breaks your trust once, it’s hard to believe anything they say after and from thereon that person could never be able to trust anyone or anything again 😦 More so, they will always be skeptical while trusting anyone else too, because once your trust breaks, you know how much it hurts and you’ll never risk anything to have even a remote chance of experiencing that pain.

I’ve experienced it, I know how much it hurts and I can’t trust anyone ever. I think, when someone breaks your trust, then you don’t hate that person, you just start hating yourself and become a lame or living dead body inside somewhere. And I guess this is one of the reasons how fake our generation has become, no one is real, they all have so much pain in their hearts, they all are broken inside, maybe that’s why nobody is real…everyone is too scared to put trust in someone because of their pasts, somehow everyone is hiding their emotions, because just let’s be honest, someone somewhere has gotten his trust broken and has never found a way to trust anyone from thereon…..And, This is the bitter truth of life! 😉


Uncategorized, Words from the Heart

Happy New Year 2016 Everyone! :-)



It’s 31st December again, seems like yesterday when I celebrated the New year 2015 with my friends and family, when we partied, when we made some new promises, when we all enjoyed and celebrated that new start…And see, now we’re again going for a new start in the next few hours 🙂 Its so strange time is actually flying and for me at least 2015 just simply flew away…!

Coming to this year, it was normal for me, sometimes bad and sometimes good. I learnt many things, I got to know myself even better, I found myself a bit more mature as well, I learnt some positivities and of course some negativities of life. This year was full of fun and excitement, ups and downs. I made new friends, broke up with some, fought with my loved ones and at some points learned to move on and discovered that happiness lies in small things that we do for our loved ones and the list goes on. This year was a bit sad for me as well, I lost some of my really close ones especially my dearest teacher, who met with an accident in 3rd December, that news of his death was really shocking for me, I was literally broken, he meant so much to me, he always treated me like his daughter. He was so nice and I will never ever forget him. So overall for some reasons 2015 was a blend of good and bad times of my life which I can never forget. Today on 31st December again I feel so relieved, I passed another year finally 😛 When everyone says “This year also went by as if it just lasted for seconds” I say “Big No..!! Not at all..!!” …..But somehow it was not that bad also 😛 It was good! 😀

This year I got so much love, I got so much hates but then again I got a lot of love 🙂 And with this now I must say that I’ve changed a lot. But anyways, I will definitely cherish this year throughout my life, Afterall life is beautiful and really worth living, ups and downs are part of life, as life is like a chain a circle it revolves around and again comes to the same point and the same way we are at the end point today and after a few hours a new circle, a new chain will start! So friends let’s welcome this new start with a big smile 🙂 and promise to try & make this start even better, so that next year we can say in the end of 2016 that YES! 2016 was even wonderful than 2015 🙂

I want to say one more thing, Before this year ends I want to take this opportunity and thank everyone of you 🙂 I want to thank everyone who has read my work, thanks for liking my thoughts, appreciating my write ups and providing your valuable inputs, simply I would like to thank all of you for your love, support and everything ❤ Like really, in some way or the other you all have helped me and provided a direction to my life. Every comment, every suggestion and every confession has been of utmost importance to me. I have made friends from several parts of India and from outside as well and they have always supported my thoughts and have somehow believed in me. I seriously want to thank you for being with me. It has been a great pleasure to know all of you. Maybe you guys don’t know, but you’ve helped me through the low moments of my day many a times and of course increased my happiness many times. I wish I could somehow repay that, really I feel so good so blessed when I got your suggestion, comments or whatever. THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! 🙂 I hope you all stay with me in the upcoming year and all the upcoming years of my life. 🙂

Oh yes one more thing I forgot, As the year is about to end I want you to share your feelings, thoughts, problems or whatever, if you want someone just look “I’m Here” You can share anything regarding me, regarding your life or anything you guys wanna get off your chest. I promise to hear without judging. So, if you wanna share then C’mon…. Shoot those untold words out to me! 🙂

By the way do you guys have any New Year Resolution?? 😛 If yes then share it with me, I would love to know 😀 😉 Well I don’t make New Year Resolutions because it always breaks 😛 So, just like every time another year passed and I am as usual without any resolution 😀 ..But anyways, just like every year I hope next year proves to be better than the previous one 🙂 Truly everyone is destined with some good times and this year is one of those good and bad times mixed you know 😉 All in all at the end today I have a little smile on my face and so many experiences in my mind and most importantly so many memories in my heart. I hope few more years pass like this….Gifting me some more memorable memories!


And for those who did not have anything good or special this year I am sure forthcoming years would bring lotssssss of happiness, May be it’ll show you what you actually wanted to see….Yes! I can assure you with “Personal Experience” 😉 I just hope another year passes by just like this and everyone gets what they wish for and most importantly have a good year. Enjoy the last day of the year. We are on the gateway of new year and I wish this new year is actually “Happy” one…. So “BEST OF LUCK” to everyone for this new start…God bless… ❤ Happy New Year ❤ Cheersssss…!! 😉


Poetry, Uncategorized

A Long-Distance Relationship…

I think winter is easily the most romantic season…do you agree? 😉 Winters are always welcomed with so many flowers in bloom, the cup filled with hot coffee, so many delicious dishes and ofcourse quilt under which you text secretly and pretending your guardian that you are in slumber. Don’t you feel that crazy teenage feeling of love warmth when you are with your lover.  🙂

“ Soumya too was madly in love with Ved. Almost a year the couple always spend good times together, no fights, no lies just LOVE.

It was Sunday afternoon, when she was waiting for Ved’s call but was pretending her parents that she’s not well.

” Soumya, dear will you please shut the door? We’ll be back soon! ” Her parents told her.

“ Okay Mom ” She said and smiled and finally close the door behind. She jumped in joy that she can now talk to Ved as her parents were not around her for some minutes or maybe hours. She jumped on her bed, unplugged her cell from charging and started checking her new feeds on Facebook and Whatsapp message.

” Ved, baby what are you doing? ” She text him.

” Working baby ” He replied with warming smiley.

” Call me right now ” She replied him back.

” Later or do voice call ” He replied.

” I said Call me right now.. else kattiiii! ” She replied and turn off her net and sit silently.

After fifteen minutes he called, Soumya lips parted to smile and she chuckled on the call. She wanted to tell him but he kept on saying….. ” Whatsapp par baat kar naa or do voice call ”

Later he started yawning and hung the phone without even listening to her….

The moment he hung up, streams of tears started flowing down her cheeks, making her cheeks go warm and wet, she was in tears, her nose red and eyes full of tears of being hurt…

She wiped and sealed the envelop of her entrance form, above the entrance form on big letters ‘ Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University ‘ was written.

Yes they were long distance couple, Ved is from Mumbai and Soumya live in Delhi. Soumya wanted to do MBA and she’d got the admission in DU. She wanted to give this news to Ved and surprise him. Alas! all her plan of surprising him crashed with disconnected call… she stood up and stop the song playing ” Tum hi ho” which was Ved’s favorite song since they met with each other. She sobbed a little more and shut down the PC .

She gently place the envelop inside her bag and angrily placed her books on the study table back. She curled into her quilt and cried that whole night. She ignored his texts and gazed at their photos and her long texts in which she expressed her love for him .

In between somewhere she lost trust on him being hurt.

She didn’t speak a word whole day. And in the night with full of pain she slept, with a wish that one day her love would understand her feelings!”

You know, love is something that we all need and when we’re in love we expect a lot. Every time we want more love, feelings, loyalty and it hurt so much when you are doing so much for someone but they never appreciate. It hurts even more that the one who loves more started detaching himself or herself knowing they can be hurt back, knowing they will never think about that person anymore. So mutual understanding is very much important in any relationship. If we want a happy good relationship, so we have to realize or understand other person’s feelings first!! 🙂


Random Thoughts

That’s Me. . .

I will give you enough amount of chances before I let you go, Infact I firmly believe in forgiveness till the other person genuinely regrets their mistakes…But if I feel that you have only selfishness for me and you won’t mind letting me go…trust me, you’re done. You do not even deserve me. I will let you go at that very moment and never look back at you. And once I get you out of my life, I am pretty sure I won’t want you anymore then.

That’s just how I like things to be! And if its arrogance, so be it! 😉


Random Thoughts


“Terrorism” I just hate this word!! I really don’t understand, why Terrorists killing innocents? What they need to stop Terror Activiteis?? Feeling so sad! 😦 I think, It’s definitely a well planned attack by the terrorist on Punjab like Mumbai!! My sincere respects are with the people who lost their lives in the Gurdaspur Terror Attack RIP! & I’m proud of the Indian army & Police.

And then the man who ignited the concept of achieving dreams even if it means you’ve to set your wings on fire. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, We’ll miss you Sir! 😦 RIP Dr. Kalam!

#Salute #Respect
