
The Starlight Blogger Award

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.
This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

Wow! I got “The Starlight Award.” I don’t know much about it but one thing I know that, I AM VERY HAPPY 😀 Thank you so much Himali for this lovely award. ❤ I’m so touched and happy. Please check out her amazing blog here. She’s a fab writer 🙂 Yes! visit her blog, and you’ll surely thank me! 😉

The Rule:-

#Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.

#Answer the questions set to you and then you may create your set of questions for your nominees.

#Nominate other bloggers.

Himali’s Questions:- (I promise dear, I’ll do my best to answer them)

1. If you could meet anyone from throughout history. Who and why?
Ans- This is a tough one to answer as there are so many people who’ve influenced society in one way or another. Okay, I think I would love to meet the inventor of the WORLD WIDE WEB- Tim BernersLee & Bill Gates founder of Microsoft! 🙂 Well, they both has changed our lives so much. And ofcourse, my all time favorite author William Shakespeare, because I don’t know why but I love him and his works! And yes! Mother Teresa, She was truly an Angel. I respect her a lot, she inspired me so much. ❤

2. What is your favorite book and why?
Ans- Seriously! This is close to impossible for a booklover to answer. But anyways, of all the books I’ve read so far “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne is my all time favorite! 🙂 This book has changed me and my life (in a good way, I guess!) it changed everything in my life, the book has greatly influenced my way of looking at the things in a very positive way. It enabled me to attract good and positive things into my life and find great people to spend my life with. It is a beautiful book and my favorite too! ❤

3. Who is your favorite fiction character from any medium and why?
Ans- From any medium???? Uhmmm…RAJ & SIMRAN from DDLJ 😛 hahaha….No sorry! Just kidding! 😀 …Well honestly, there is NO ONE! 🙂

4. What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received?
Ans- Oooppss!! *Tough* I don’t know if it’s a compliment but when I was in school a random girl once said “You’re different, I love your heart.” And I was like *Shocked with Smile* “Okay! Thank you.” But really that made my day! 🙂

5. Who made you discover the starlight within you?
Ans- My Family! And haters too 😛 lol …And besides my family, my starlight in my life has been always “My Heart” I did follow my heart in any situation. Because I know it’s on left but…’s always right! 🙂

6. What would you say is your starlight gift for others?
Ans- I really don’t know, but I think “My Life Experiences and My Smile”. Life experiences because, I want to show others that life is good, I know sometimes its horrible. But comeone people! We’re all same! We all feel love, pain, troubles in life but still we live, love, laugh because life is really nice. So feel it, love it! 🙂 ….and My smile because through my smile I want to say that “Don’t be sad, Don’t cry, Everything will be fine. Just Smile! And always keep smiling, coz one day life will get tired of upsetting you!” 😉

7. What is your biggest dream?
Ans- To fulfill my and my family’s dreams 🙂 ….And, To be remembered when I die!! Sound silly??? I know! but it just seems nice knowing you won’t be forgotten. ❤

So I’m done! It was reallyyyyy fun!!! 😉 Thank you so much Himali for the beautiful questions. I enjoyed a lot 🙂

Now… My Nominees:-


4 Year Old Adult







My Questions for the Nominees:-

1. What would you say is your starlight gift for others?
2. What do you like to do to bring yourself out of a bad mood?
3. What was the first book you’ve ever read?
4. Who is your hero/idol?
5. What type of music do you enjoy?
6. What is your favorite book and why?
7. Do you have a favorite poem? If yes, who wrote it and why do you like it?
8. What is one healthy habit you wish you could develop?

Congratulations !!!!! 🙂

And, Thank you once again Himali 🙂 ❤


#HappyMe …..Reached 100 followers :) :)


Yes…Yessss….Yessssssss!!!!! I logged on today and noticed that I’ve finally reached my first 100 followers 🙂 Wooohoooo! 😀 Thank you so much guys 🙂 I am so happy 🙂 …Really, I wasn’t expecting to get many readers and I like to think I would keep writing anyway. 🙂 But having readers does give me a energy and excitement! So, thank you all for that, for all the love and support! 🙂 You guys are awesome! 😉
To all those people who do read my blog, I am so grateful. Thanks once again my wonderful readers/followers and visitor! 🙂


Random Thoughts

Sometimes…we just have to move on!


” People come, people go- they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past. -Nicholas Sparks “

Yes! It happens. People come in our lives, a few stay with us for a lifetime, and a lot of them don’t, leaving imprints in our hearts. We go through betrayals and heartbreaks, but what keeps us going is love. We keep searching it everywhere, at every step of our life. And at times, the search is completed, at times not. We think its love, but it turns out a lot like love, and this is what keeps us going. Sometimes they are like lovely memories and sometimes they are like lessons. Yes! People do come and enter your life then after sometime, they would leave and that’s it. It’s over and just have to accept it and move on, and one thing I’m sure that there’s always a reason why you knew them. It must not be clear for you that moment but sooner or later, you will discover it. Getting hurt is part of life but staying hurt after the pain is a foolish choice. So, just forget everything. MOVE ON! Life is waiting for you. 🙂


Few Words!

I love this article! Best From


I love my family and I personally think that a good family bonding is the best thing in the world. I have so many interests and blogging is my another passion! I love writing and reading articles. I was just visiting & in Family section here I came across this article and I totally loved it. ❤

Family bonding is ALWAYS a fun time. All the amazing things can happen when a family comes together to do things together. A family that can bond together will be a family that is united forever. A strong family bonds are the secret to internal happiness, afterall, who knows you better than your own family 🙂 right?? I remember when I was little I used to play many games and activities with my mom and dad or brother. I’m so attached to my family, we’ve spent so many precious moments together. Sometimes, I really miss my childhood. I’m still so attached to my family, I just love them! But I often see that in today’s social media world, we have no time for anyone, especially for our family! Life is different now. But we (kids and parents both) need to understand that a family bonding is very very important for a everyone! you have to spend some time together with your parents or children so that children learn how to behave in society by watching their parents interact with each other and with the world. Family bonding times are great. I know, it bit difficult to manage your schedule, but taking the time out to show your loved ones how much they mean to you is always worth the time! Studies have shown that quality parent time with children can have a positive impact on the kids. You can spend quality time with your family by eating meals together, listening to your kids/parents favorite music station, have a family night out, or play games together.

So here are some of the activities you can do with your family (parents/kids)….

1. Plan a vacation with your family. And, When planning a family vacation you can ask your children or your parents where they want to go and what they want to see or do. By incorporating them in the planning process you make them feel like an integral part of the family.

2. Dance like crazy 😉 yes! If you love to dance then make dancing your regular activity. This not only helps improve your family bond but it also promotes fitness. Show some crazy dance moves to your parents/sibling/kids, just to enjoy the moment!

3. Talk and Listen as much as you can! Communication is very important. Ask your children or parent what they think or what’s in their mind? it is just important to be an active listener or talker. While everyone is together, sometimes it’s just important to redirect attention towards your family and ask “What’s going on with you?”

4. Respect each-other. Dear parents please attention! It is very important to respect your family member. Respect your spouse/partner, children, parents or other members, so that your kids learn how to respect a girl or boy. Don’t abuse your wife, parents or kids. Dominating a conversation or behaving aggressive is disrespectful in a familial relationship. So please avoid it!

5. Try some little nice contest in you home, like cooking, cleaning, racing and etc. This will encourage your children to learn new thing. And by doing this, we’ll easily spend some quality time with our family!

6. Try and eat dinner/lunch/breakfast together with no distractions, such as television or phones or social media. Eating a family meal together not only promotes better eating habits, but also gives family members time to discuss their day/daily activities and any good or challenging things happening in their life. And, at meal times you can easily encourage your children to discuss what they plan to do or what problems they’re facing or whatever is on their minds.

7. Homework time is the best time for parents and children. Helping your kids with their homework not only allows you to spend time together, but enables you to see what they are learning. If he/she is doing good then great, if not then teach him/her good and right things. Your support and praise will go a long way in boosting their confidence in school.

8. Plan a “Family Night” every week. A great way of having fun while bonding with your family is to create a “Family Night” where the entire family participates in an activity, like play some games together or an evening out at a fun family restaurant, or to go see a movie. This can be so easy and beautiful.

9. Support your children. If your child is not studying well and his/her grades are dropping, so first of all try to know that what’s exactly going on? And then support your girl/boy. Teach him/her the importance of STUDY! And, If they have interest in sports or other activities like acting, singing, dancing or etc , so involve yourself in that activity and support your child. By involving yourself in these activities and praising them on their participation you are helping build their confidence as well as strengthening your bond.

10. Tell them you Love Them! By telling a child/parents you love them and giving compliments or positive feedback frequently you can foster their confidence and perception of themselves. Support you children, talk to them, listen to them. By listening and being supportive of their ideas, even if you don’t agree, makes them feel as if they can come to you with their problems and discuss their true feelings. And it’s a very good sign of a healthy relationship with family!

I love my home, I love my Family, I love everything about it. I personally believe, there is nothing better than having a place you can call My Home, where you feel loved, appreciated and safe. 🙂 There are so many little things that makes your bond with your family strong and powerful, try them, feel them, live them. Spend time with your family and make some memories!

I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.

Thank you for reading! 🙂

Random Thoughts

Just a simple Good Morning wish :)


A simple good morning wish makes you feel special. My today’s post is dedicated to all those people who think that good morning and good night wishes are just formal. 🙂
No! it’s not. I am talking about that good morning message you check when you waken up in the morning, actually your day begins with this message only. And even in the night you just expect a good night message from your special ones.
There is nothing special with these messages, but a thing that some people remember you when they start their day or end their day. 🙂
So for the girls and boys who didn’t get this good morning message..Here I am wishing a very Good Morning to you all 🙂 Have a great day!! 🙂


Few Words!

Free Style Writing Challenge!

Okay, I was nominated for the Free Style Writing Challenge by Annemarie So, Thank you dear for nominating me! 🙂

1. open a blank document.
2. set a stop watch timer to 5 or 10 minutes, whichever length you prefer.
3. your topic is at the foot of this post BUT DO NOT SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY WITH YOUR TIMER!!!
4. once you start writing do not stop until the alarm sounds!
do not cheat by going back and correcting spelling and grammar using spell check (it is only meant for you to reflect on your own control of sensible thought flow and for you to reflect on your ability to write with correct spelling and grammar.)
5. you may or may not pay attention to punctuation or capitals
6. at the end of your post write down the number of words to give an idea of how much you can write within the time Frame.
7. put the whole document onto your post and nominate 5 others and give them a new topic. Remember to copy paste the rules in!

And see, this is what I wrote in 13 minutes #222 words…and I’m happy with my work 🙂

So my topic is FLOWERS and first of all thank you Annemarie for this beautiful topic, nice choice 🙂 Okay, I believe we are like flowers. We all come in different shapes, faces, colors but we both live and die and like flowers we are all born unique and beautiful in our own different ways. Like some flowers have a lot of petals and other flowers don’t have a lot of petals, just like that some people have a lot of mind, beauty or fat and others don’t, some flowers are red some are white or pink and just like that some people are white and some are black, but measurement or color doesn’t matter if you have inner beauty in you, no worries even if others can’t see our inner beauty, we know We Are Beautiful and Unique! Just like flowers, we humans have to go through some rough or dirty or hard times to get to the good times and good things. We both live and die without any notice 😉 So it’s simple, we are all like flowers and maybe that’s why I LOVE FLOWERS! ❤

An Australian Author said: We are like flowers we are born from the seed of life, we grow, we flourish, we achieve, we love and we die and only then is our cycle fully complete!

My Nominees:

Captured by Aishwarya


But I Smile Anyway…


A Touch Of My Saint!

All the best friends 🙂 your topic is: Memories!

Few Words!

We decide our own Happiness…3 day Quote Challenge:- DAY 3 (Last Day) :-)


“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.” -John Milton

I love this quote of John Milton. This is really true and great! 🙂 We decide our own happiness. Your mind can transform any place into one that you would hate or a place that you love. Don’t get upset, when things go wrong or when something bad happens to you. Just stay positive and try to leave your troubles behind. Don’t get mad or lose hope. Stay happy and positive in your mind and try to enjoy the feeling of new things, try to learn something new from them. Turn that hell into a heaven. Be optimistic and you can see the beauty in almost anything! 🙂


Few Words!

Love yourself…..3 day Quote Challenge:- DAY 2

“Our first and last love is self-love.” – Christian Nestell Bovee

Remember, happiness comes from within. Nobody will ever make you happy or love you if you don’t love yourself. So love yourself & listen to your heart. 🙂


Few Words!

A “NO” is good! ….3 day Quote Challenge:- DAY 1

“I am thankful to all those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I did it myself.” – Albert Einstein

I’ve faced so many problems in life, but the good thing is I learned a lot from them. 🙂 Those things made me stronger and a positive person today. I personally think, a “No” should never be taken as an offence, instead it should be seen as an opportunity to do the task on your own. Remember this when you come in contact with an problem, it surely gives you the power to learn to do it yourself. This “no” will give you confidence. Take it as a challenge and this challenge will make all other things around you much easier and once you do it successfully you surely will have a new level of confidence which will make you take up other challenges in life. I believe that every day you have is the opportunity to learn and experience something and someone new, everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right. You believe less so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. So, sometimes a Big NO is also good, just accept it with a smile. 🙂 Anything that happens in your life is bound to affect you and what comes out of it always depends on how we decide to handle the situation. By changing the negatives into the positives, a NO into YES, we can easily make ourselves happy. So smile because it’s NO 😉
Today, I am thankful to all my supporters, especially my family and friends 🙂 ❤

And…I’m thankful to all my haters too, they all give me the confidence and push me to work harder and believe that what God has for YOU-is only FOR YOU, nobody can take that away when it’s yours, not even your Haters! 😉 So, Thanks my dear Haters 😛 you all are my motivation, you remind me of how awesome I am! 😉 Lol 😛 Thanks for the “NO” You’ve made me who I am today. 🙂
So, be infinitely grateful for every ‘no’ you get in life, it only means that you are just one step closer to your dreams! 🙂

And thank you Supreet for nominating me 🙂
